Monday, May 21, 2007

Everybody's Doin' It..

Ok, ok, I yield to the peer-pressure of the "7-things meme". Sheesh! It's EVERYWHERE!

The scoop: List 7 random things about yourself and tag up to 7 other people to do the same.

Here goes...

#1 I skipped third grade. (and consequently don't know the state capitals or presidents very well)

#2 I finished college (undergrad) in 3 years so I graduated at age 20 - I had a BA but couldn't legally buy a beer. (note the word "legally")

#3 I do the Sunday crossword in pen. (when my husband and I were dating we would compete to see who had finished the daily crossword faster)

#4 I teach at the same elementary school I attended. (I was in the first-ever graduating class there too. AND my daughter attends there now as well.)

#5 I don't mind snakes, spiders, or most bugs....but CAN. NOT. STAND. Beetle-type bugs - they completely creep me out.

#6 I have ridden a horse bareback. (great fun!)

#7 I am a completely self-taught (thanks to books and the Internet) knitter due mostly to the fact that I am the only person in my entire family that has ever knit!
(I am finally learning new things from my knitting group and guild, however!)

Ok...I tag Jamie and BadAmy and anyone else who hasn't been tagged! (I think everyone else I know with a blog has already been tagged somewhere along the way!)


Anonymous said...

You know, I'm bad at spelling because I went to gifted class in elementary school instead of spelling class. And it shoews! haha

I ADORE doing the Sunday crossword, but we cancelled our subscription to the paper. I've done it in pen a few times, but nothing really to brag about. I'm in awe of you.

Great list!

Anonymous said...

Just "beetle-type" bugs? What about that one we saw tonight?


Twisted Knitter said...

Thank you so much for sharing! Your randoms were fascinating.

I've not ever been confident enough to complete a crossword puzzle in pen! :-)

Bad Amy said...

Please note, I am a card-carrying member.