Monday, May 14, 2007

Mother's Day, Schmother's Day

While my flesh-and-blood offspring was GOOD to me (waffles - check, dishes done - check, laundry - check), the four-legged variety has been a little, um...less so lately. First off, proof positive that a 10 year-old DOES in fact do her own laundry:

Natalie does laundry!
Please ignore the perpetual clutter that is my kitchen. She even irons now - I am NOT making that up - she just up and asked me one day if she could iron!

The dogs, however, have decided they'd like to be archeologists - except they dig up nothing but dirt and can't seem to bring in any grant money to fund their digs. Ahem. I give you....exhibit A:
Exhibit A
Yes, that is what passes for "yard" at our house - truly shameful. But the front looks green and everything - honest! We even have to mow it!

Here is the alleged perpetrator of the crime:
Casey at the Scene of the Crime

Looks downright proud of his work, doesn't he?

I also give you exhibit B: (or...Caught at the Scene of the Crime)
Willow at the Scene of the Crime

We expect our shed to collapse into a hole the size of a small moon crater any day now...sigh.

Anyone got any ideas for stopping the digging? I think the under-the-shed business is directly related to various small critters living there (rabbits and cats have been seen in the vicinity). The random ankle-twisting holes all over the yard? No clue.

What would the Dog Whisperer say?


Karen said...

Boredom. Dogs dig and do other destructive things when they are bored. Send the well-behaved child out to throw a ball!!

That's my 2 cents on the topic. I have 2 dogs also.

Karen said...

Susan, TAG! You're it! Go read my blog for details. :-)

Anonymous said...

Thankfully I haven't broken an ankle yet trying to mow that area we call a "backyard"
